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The Find that Pause blog

Embracing Fall: A Mindful Approach to Balance gratitude mindfulness of nature negative traits of the mind Oct 16, 2024

Embracing the Fall Transition: A Mindful Approach to Seasonal Change

Today, I found myself thinking about pulling out my winter coat for the first time this year. The leaves are beginning to fall, and I can hear the crunch of acorns underfoot as I walk along the street. Honestly, my mood is a...

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Connecting with Nature: A Path to Well-Being mindfulness mindfulness of nature stress management Jul 11, 2024

How connected do you feel to nature?

For me, I love spending summers with my family in the Berkshires because of the deep connection to nature it offers. I find that taking time to walk my dog through a forest or spend a weekend afternoon at the lake can truly refresh me.

During the first year of...

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Regulating Emotions: How a Simple Pause Changed My Life anger emotional regulation mindfulness pause Jun 01, 2024

I remember clearly when I first learned how to sit with my strong emotions. I had gotten really, really angry with someone in my family (truthfully, it was my husband!), and I desperately wanted to yell at him. However, I knew from experience that this wouldn’t make me feel better; it would...

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Take Control of YOUR Stress: A Simple Approach for lasting well-being May 03, 2024

How often do you find yourself battling stress throughout the week? Is it a fleeting feeling or a constant companion? More importantly, do you know where stress resides within your body?

I always ask my students these questions, and their answers consistently reveal just how prevalent stress is...

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Have you ever said “May I be kind to myself?” mindfulness self compassion Mar 28, 2024

As I've immersed myself in teaching self-compassion this month, I've found myself reflecting deeply on what this practice truly means to me. It's more than just a lesson or a technique; it's a profound shift in perspective that has changed my life in ways I never imagined.

Self-compassion has...

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Ugh, I’m so tired.... rest Feb 28, 2024

Have you been feeling exhausted lately, constantly saying, "Ugh, I’m so tired these days"? 

Have you found yourself hitting the hay earlier and sneaking in a few naps this month?

No? You're not alone.

Around 3 out of 5 U.S. adults admit to feeling more tired than ever before*, and...

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Beginner's Mind: Rediscover the Joy of Everyday Life Jan 28, 2024

“If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind, there are few.” Shunryu Suzuki,

As we start the New Year, I'm trying to cultivate more of a beginner's...

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Embracing Rest: Pausing in the In-Between creativity holiday stress mindfulness produtivity rest Dec 27, 2023

I Almost Didn't Write This...

As I am in resting mode during this week between Christmas and New Year. In the past, I'd fill this time with plans – shows, museum visits, and social gatherings. However, over the years, I've discovered the benefits of deep rest during this period. It's become...

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Navigating the Holiday Season with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion gratitude holiday stress mindfulness resilience self compassion Nov 25, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrated. I hope you had a great time!

For those who didn’t, nor did I this year, and this email is for you.

I spent the whole Thanksgiving week in bed this year, sick with stomach flu. And I know I'm not the only one who has had a challenging holiday. Often...

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A way to send goodness into the world right now Oct 19, 2023

I am writing this after a week of hearing about terrible tragedy developing in the Middle East. My heart has been breaking for all the people involved, mothers, fathers, children, and all who have been affected.

I have been asking myself, What can I DO to alleviate the suffering? 

I can see...

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How to find equanimity ( balance) using mindfulness Sep 29, 2023

  It’s time for a confession…I am not a naturally balanced person

This month I have not felt in balance even though I’ve been teaching about it.

I have felt overwhelmed with all the back-to-school tasks and, that I have too much to do and too little time.

AND I have also...

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I have a few facts to share about stress…. Sep 13, 2023
  1. We are ALL stressed out right now - a recent report said that 94%* of workers report feeling stressed at work (who are the missing 6%?)

  2. We can’t STOP stressors in our life, sorry I wish we could!

  3. We can MANAGE our stress response

Here’s how it works:

We evolved...

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