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You’re here because you’re looking for an inspiring and professional speaker to help your attendees feel less stressed and more equipped with tools to help them in their day-to-day lives.

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“The feedback from the faculty who attended the meeting is so overwhelmingly positive. They loved opening with you. Thank you so much! ”

— Sherronda Brown, Ed. D.- Dwight Englewood School, Englewood


Welcome! I’m Miranda, a mindfulness coach, and speaker.

I specialize in teaching practical, secular meditation techniques to busy people so that they can find that much-needed pause in their lives.

After 12 years in top advertising agencies, I now work as a trainer in science-based mindfulness for all sorts of organizations, both corporate and community through my wellness company Find that Pause. I also teach at Englewood Hospital.

I am a certified Mindful Schools meditation educator, a 500-hour certified yoga teacher, and the author of The 5-Minute Meditation Journal. I have a MA from Edinburgh University, UK, and a MS from Trinity Dublin, Ireland.

I have over 20 years of mindfulness experience and have studied with some of the world's great teachers in India, the U.K., and the USA. However, I think my two young sons are my greatest "Zen Masters.” 

Imagine giving your audience the tools and know-how to handle stressful moments with grace and regulation!

Contact me to decide what kind of presentation would be right for your organization. I have a sliding scale for non-profits and libraries and can teach effectively online or in person

"Miranda is a gifted mindfulness facilitator and space holder who helps her students find a much-needed pause in their busy lives.  If you or your team are looking to improve mental wellness and learn practical science-based stress management strategies, I highly recommend Miranda as a 1:1 coach, community leader, and corporate wellness facilitator. "

- Dorsey Standish, CEO Mastermind Meditate

My services

I am a professional facilitator of mindfulness and have taught many different audiences mindfulness, from library groups to large corporate facilitation.

I offer the following services:

  • Series of classes on mindfulness, with a changing monthly theme, perfect to increase connection in your organization while also decreasing stress levels. Teach in-person or online.

  • One-off mindfulness workshops on a variety of topics such as:

    • Mindful first aid; the science of mindfulness and its benefits 

    • Find that pause; bringing mindfulness into your life without taking extra time out of your day.

    • Stress; why we stress and how to manage it using movement, breath, and mindfulness

    • Emotional intelligence why it matters to YOU

    • Self-compassion; how to be kinder, happier, and more productive.

    • Rest & Renew with mindfulness, finding better ways to sleep

Classes are usually 20/30 minutes and workshops are usually 45-90 minutes long.

"It was wonderful to cut my busy day with the peace and wisdom that Miranda was bringing into our mindfulness classes. I learned many techniques to reduce my stress level that allow me to be more efficient at work. Thank you! ”

— Patrick Mouton, Executive Director and Controller IAVI

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