Find Your Pause Membership

Is your mind too busy to hear your own inner voice?

The Find YOUR Pause membership gives you the tools to listen to YOUR inner wisdom which leads you to your best life.


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Are You...

  • Aiming to cultivate mental resilience during challenging times and wishing to join a supportive community to feel grounded and empowered?
  • Seeking methods to calm your mind, when anxious or when you wake up in the night? 
  • Looking for help in your path to health and recovery?
  • Desiring skills that enhance daily focus and productivity?

If your answer is YES, you are in the right spot!

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What if you could....

Develop tools to build inner strength 
Learn how to embrace life's uncertainties with confidence
Be part of a community looking to grow these skills so we can share together

With this membership you learn how to use your mind to be more resilient to any challenge in your life be it health, personal, or work challenges.

I need this

Mindfulness meditation is a practice and to get the benefits of a daily practice a qualified teacher and an active community can help individuals develop the habit.

Together we learn how to fit a mindfulness practice into our busy lives even if we think we don’t have time for it. And especially if we think we can’t meditate as our minds are too distracted. In fact, these are the specific reasons to start a mindfulness practice; you are too busy and your mind is too distracted! 

There is an old Zen saying: “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. Unless you're too busy, then you should sit for an hour.” 


Find Your Pause Membership


Weekly recorded classes based on my teaching curriculum. 

  • Each class includes theory, gentle movement and a stillness meditation. 
  • Each month the theme changes for the classes. Some of the themes are:

The power of rest. We live in a go, go, go society where many of us are not resting enough. And yet it's so essential! Learn how to use mindfulness to help you get to sleep, get back to sleep, and find moments to rest during your day.

Self-Compassion. The research shows that self-compassion is a powerful way to be happier and more productive in our lives. Self-compassion can provide an island of calm, a refuge from constant self-judgment both good and bad, and a feeling of stability and acceptance. 

Mindfulness for stress management. What is stress? and how do we manage it? Meditation, movement, and breath-work are tools to use in your daily life to manage stress. 

Mindfulness for emotional intelligence and regulation Learn about emotional intelligence and how it can help us to better regulate our moods and manage our relationships

Mindfulness of nature. How to use mindful practices to help us connect ourselves with the natural world to bring a sense of grinding and cam into our lives.


Meditation Library 

Here you will find over 30 of my meditations for you to put to use directly.

These meditations are my personal favorite ones that I go back to again and again in my own life and also to teach my students. 

Monthly membership-only coaching & Rest and Renew workshops 

Live group-sessions to answer all questions and provide extra support to you. Rest and Renew workshops to help you unwind and sleep better.

Our 2x monthly calls will be a chance to dive deeper into mindfulness in a personalized way to help you develop and keep at your own practice.

Find Your Pause Membership

$35 monthly

  • Weekly recorded classes
  • Existing library of over 30 meditations
  • Monthly membership-only coaching program to answer questions and provide guidance.
  • Monthly rest & renew workshop to relax and calm

Find Your Pause Membership

$350 yearly

  • Weekly recorded classes
  • Existing library of over 30 meditations
  • Monthly membership-only coaching programs to answer questions and provide guidance.
  • Monthly rest & renew workshop to relax and calm

What Find that Pause members say...

Hi, I am Miranda!

I’ve been a yoga & mindfulness teacher for 20 years. I practice daily and I teach only what has served me personally. 

I am a certified Mindful Schools meditation educator, and a RYT-500  qualified yoga instructor, I’ve traveled to work and train with the best teachers in India, the UK, and the US. I am also the author of The 5-Minute Meditation Journal, published in 2022 by Callisto Media. 

I lean on the skills of yoga and meditation to support my clients in both a scientific and holistic way. I love my work teaching yoga and meditation to patients in cancer recovery and those experiencing chronic pain at Englewood Hospital and in my other classes both in the community, for corporate clients, and privately.

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